Your Morning Perspective: Vintage Ads Encourage Women to Gain Weight

by Andrea Stopa

In case you need more affirmation that beauty standards are a load of totally constructed baseless and ridiculous garbage, check out these vintage ads telling women that skinny is ugly, and gaining weight is necessary to look good and get dates: 

For the most part, advertisements have been and continue to be the worst, and whether it’s pressure to be curvy, thin, or a robot, it’s incredibly unfair and completely unjust to make women feel they are somehow incomplete in very personal ways, so that companies can sell their products to fix a problem that never existed. 


Next time you find yourself casually gazing at some magazine covers that tell you how to get a bikini bod in 2 weeks (which is impossible and please burn that magazine), or you’re feeling like a piece of poo when trying on bathing suits, remember that women’s bodies are treated like fashion garments, female body types have gone in and our of style throughout history, and ain’t nobody got time to play games like that with something as important as your own body. 

So be fierce and fear not what beauty standards say, because it’s all a hoax anyway! Just remember: 

Images via tickld and Elephant Journal

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