Trump v. Cruz: Who Hates Women More?

by Alyssa Spizzirro

Someone has to receive the Republican nomination for presidential candidacy. The reality is that executive office and all its sanctity could be passed on to one of the mouth-breathing GOP candidates in the running. What would be worse for women: shriveled steam pile of shit Donald Trump or Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz?


Voting against the Paycheck Fairness Act, Cruz gets trumped by Trump in regards to gender equality, but only because Trump can’t vote on legislation. The bill would help to close the pay gap and its very existence is indicative of the larger problems with gender-based discrimination. Neither of the men have publicly commented on the Equal Rights Amendment. Many people may think that this legislation has already passed, but it hasn’t and that’s a travesty. These creatures from the lagoon are hardly expected to be champions of gender equality, but a public statement supporting women wouldn’t kill them.

A cornerstone of the Republic platform is pro-life, which both men claim to be. While the stance is oppressive and moronic, it exists. The more radical and completely terrifying opinions come from Cruz. He opposes abortion for victims/survivors of rape and incest. Cruz’s medically uninformed and scientifically incorrect description of contraception as “abortion inducing drugs” suggest an agenda to limit women’s access to birth control. Autonomy over one’s body appears to be a moral condemnation. In comparison, Trump has stated that in cases of rape, incest, or threats to the mother’s life are caveats to his anti-abortion stance, but still doesn’t know if he’s ever donated to Planned Parenthood. 

Confused trump

Given the fragile state of women’s reproductive rights, access to healthcare is crucial for survival. Affordable and reasonable health care comes from government subsidies and appropriate regulations. Planning to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Cruz says he would implement reforms that ”follow the principles of expanding competition, empowering patients, and keeping government from getting between us and our doctors.” This is a confusing sentiment from a man who supports anti-abortion legislation and is committed to defunding one of the largest providers of women’s health care “no matter what.” Privatizing health care so it operates within the realms of capitalism is exactly what makes doctors and medicine inaccessible to patients. The tax plan Cruz proposes is a complete abolition of the IRS. The IRS not only enforces aspects of the Affordable Care Act, but serves as a venue to well, collect taxes that are necessary for a nation-state to exist.

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Unorthodox as it seems, Trump has kind of, sort of acknowledged that women’s health is under attack, praising that “millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood.” Despite this, he would still defund the organization, so the statement really operates as a veneer to gain women’s votes. Appealing to women is the least of the walking shoe leather’s problems. This seems like a political move to get ahead of Cruz, who recently gained momentum in the Alaska and Texas primaries. None the less, Trump shares the same view on the Affordable Care Act as his opponent, pledging to repeal the legislation if elected. While neither candidate has a good answer to healthcare, at least Trump can unwittingly acknowledge that he would take away vital healthcare from millions of people.

Both candidates have essentially revoked their own speaking privileges through outlandish anti-immigration hate speech. Undoubtedly racist, Cruz’s plan for immigration is the most horrifying. Blaming American unemployment on immigration, he doesn’t just want to end amnesty but end immigration all together. Like none, at all. The asinine plan to build a wall on the southern border has been proposed by both Cruz and Trump. This seems to be Trumps only real established plan on immigration, but what’s most absurd is he thinks Mexico should pay for it. His private arsenal of trolls must be busy digging graves for his mafia friends.


So if you’re an immigrant with children, you’re shit out of luck. But what if you’re a citizen? The United States currently doesn’t regulate guaranteed paternity leave, which widened economic disparities and creates complications for women in the workplace. The Trump has kept quiet on paternity leave, not indicating a formal opinion on the topic. Maybe it’s for the best that he not open his mouth. He has however spoken publicly about childcare, “You need some blocks and you need some swings and some toys. You know, surely, it’s not expensive. It’s not an expensive thing. I do it all over.” 
See that? He provides some sticks and chalk to his employee’s children, he’s a real hero. Of course this suggests that childcare is an expense to be covered by the private sector. Cruz hasn’t been pushed to comment publicly, but one could guess that he’s not as pious as Trump on the issue. Infact, Cruz seems to oppose any paternalistic spending that could benefit millions of people. He has said, “I think maternity leave and paternity leave are wonderful things. I support them personally, but I don’t think the federal government should be in the business of mandating them.” If the government isn’t responsibile for regulating the quality of life that citizens enjoy, who is?

While neither of these candidates should be revered, Trump appears to be a less dangerous choice. Let’s put this into perspective: Ted Cruz is more of a threat to women than a man who is endorsed by the leader of the KKK. Dimwitted Trump supporters, carry on (very quietly, at home, by yourself). It’d be better to have a withering bird’s nest as President than a fanatical bigot.

Ted cruz

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