There is a Park in Costa Rica That is Home to 900 Dogs and You May Not Be Able to Handle it

by Maggie Stamets

Remember Cat Island? Well, forget about it! There is a new free-range home for furry friends in town. A sprawling dog sanctuary in Costa Rica that is home to over 900 pups, just waiting for their pawrents to adopt them. Territorio de Zaguates or “The Land of Strays” is a no-kill, free-range dog shelter where dogs run and play all day, and by night they are given shelter and love from volunteers. Nestled in the hills of Santa Bárbara in Costa Rica’s Heredia province, where it is almost always 73 degrees and sunny, the shelter takes in all strays, names them, and gives them all the love they need until their forever homes find them. 

“The Land of Strays” welcomes visitors and holds group hikes where humans can come and mingle with their four-legged friends on a hike around the gorgeous sanctuary—allowing the dogs and people to get to know each other in a low-pressure environment.


But wait, it gets cuter. Each dog is given a unique breed to reflect its characteristics. Mutts are often looked down on as lesser than their pedigreed peers, but the folks at Territorio de Zaguates know there is nothing more valuable than a one-of-a-kind breed all your own. Because who wouldn’t want to own a Bordercocker Cola De Fuego, Alaskan Collie Fluffyterrior, or a Chubby-Tailed German Dobernauzer?


Before you book your flight, make sure to schedule your group hike so you can be sure to get plenty of puppy cuddle time in your visit. And if you can’t hop on a plane, bide your time on their Facebook page where there are more photos than you could ever imagine of happy pups of all shapes, sizes, and snout lengths. 

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go squeal uncontrollably into a pillow, pretending it is the fluffy dog I wish to be cuddling! 

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Images via Territorio de Zaguates

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