
Tarotscopes – Summer Horoscopes Inspired By The Tarot

by BUST Magazine

Our columnist, Sarah Potter, provides this season’s tarot readings for the signs. 



The Lovers Reversed                                                                                                

(MAY 21 TO JUNE 20)

Make better choices, Gemini. This latest bout of indecision is plaguing you as you wrestle with what to do next. This is going to take some time, so release your desire for immediate gratification and sit with your feelings a little longer. The unknown is uncomfortable, but don’t be rash or impulsive. (That’s just self-sabotage at work!) Consider your options carefully before fully committing with confidence.

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(JUNE 21 TO JULY 22)

Embrace your wild side, Cancer! You’re a creature of habit, but lately you have been feeling the urge to switch up your routine and push beyond your comfort zone. Your confidence is on 100, so plan that solo trip to a new destination, or do something you’ve been too scared to tackle. Your next adventure is within arm’s reach.

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Ace of Wands
(JULY 23 TO AUG. 22)

Your unique perspective deserves to be shared with the world, Leo. Stop holding yourself back and put your inspirations into action, because the pain that comes from never trying and regretting is far worse than your fear of failure. This is your moment to create something wonderful that you are truly passionate about, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there for the sake of your art or goals.

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Six of Cups Reversed
(AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22)

Virgo, you need to stop clinging to your past, OK? You’ve learned from your mistakes and now it’s time to let go of whatever negativity that has been living rent-free in your mind. Continue to focus on yesterday and you could miss out on something quite lovely that is right in front of you. 

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Four of Cups Reversed                                                                                                   

(SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22)

 Embrace a fresh start, Libra. When you expand your horizons and seek out a point of view beyond your usual scope, you see so much more than you would have. Notice the magic and new opportunities unfolding around you, whether they be connections with new people, enrapturing inspiration, or thrilling offers at work. Take it all in!

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Six of Wands Reversed                                                                                                  

(OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21)

Stop doubting yourself, Scorpio. Where has your usual confidence gone? Getting knocked down a few times doesn’t mean that you are a failure! If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Acknowledge your mistakes so you can move forward and reconnect to your initial purpose.

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Page of Cups Reversed                                                                                              

 (NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21)

Seek new inspiration, Sagittarius. Lately, you have been struggling to express yourself in words as your emotions are getting the best of you. When everything feels a little more chaotic than usual and you don’t know exactly what to say in words, lean more into a hobby or creative practice like yoga, meditation, or drawing— something that will allow you to express yourself in a different way.

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Page of Pentacles Reversed                                                                                            

 (DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19)

Take a break, Capricorn—you ma- jorly need a mental refresh! Getting away for the weekend is great, but there are also ways to rejuvenate from the comfort of your home. If you’re feeling over- whelmed at work, don’t be afraid to ask for help and delegate the tasks you don’t need to handle. You don’t have to do everything yourself!



Judgment Reversed                                                                                                     

(JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18)

Stop being so critical of yourself, Aquarius. You have been pushing yourself to improve all aspects of your life lately, but at some point, striving can take a turn for the worse. You can be really hard on yourself because you expect the best, but it’s rather demoralizing and unmotivating to be this harsh on yourself. Ease up and be a little kinder with some much-needed self-acceptance and compassion.

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Seven of Cups
(FEB. 19 TO MARCH 20)

This is your reality check, Pisces. You have been living in your daydreams lately, but now is the time to make your fantasies a tangible reality. Consider every option carefully, but stop telling yourself the timing isn’t right or that you aren’t ready yet. These are merely illusions that you have created to block your own success! Remember that with determination, focus, and a plan, anything is possible.

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The High Priestess                                                                                                  


 Trust your feelings, Aries. Your intuition is on fire right now, so let your instincts lead the way with all of your decision making. You al- ready know exactly what you need to do, so resist the temptation to get everyone else’s input. It will only confuse you! At the end of the day, remember that if something doesn’t feel right, then it assuredly isn’t.

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Ace of Cups Reversed                                                                                                  

(APRIL 20 TO MAY 20)

Self-care is where it’s at, Taurus. Focusing on everyone else’s needs has left you energetically malnourished and emotionally depleted. It’s time to put yourself first and focus on your own well-being for once! Put your phone in sleep mode, honor your boundaries, and say no a little more often. A total spa day would work wonders for you right now, so feel free to go all out!


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