Tarot main 5174b

Tarotscopes: Your Spring Horoscope Inspired By The Tarot

by BUST Magazine

Our columnist Sarah Potter, provides this season’s tarot readings for the signs. 

Judgment Reversed
(Mar. 21 to Apr. 19)

Snap out of it, my darling Aries, and chill with the negative self-talk. How are you supposed to be your best self when you keep knocking yourself down? No one is judging you as brutally as you are judging yourself right now. Do not let the concept of perfectionism hold you back from going after what you want and achieving your dreams!

Judgement 62229

Nine of Wands
(Apr. 20 to May 20)

Establish strong boundaries and protect your energy, dear Taurus! Have you been feeling run down? Burnt out? You are spreading yourself a little too thin, and honestly, you haven’t been standing up for yourself! It’s time to be clear with your own needs and communicate them effectively in your relationships. If you do not advocate for yourself, who will? You deserve to have your needs met. Speak up, honey! 

9 of Wands 015d3


Keeper of Pentacles Reversed
(May 21 to June 20)

Get back to your original vision, Gemini. What sort of endeavors truly make your heart sing? You have been looking for success in all the wrong places, and it’s leaving you feeling hollow and unsatisfied. It’s time to reconnect with your initial dreams and discover how you can get back to that point. You can still feel secure without sacrificing the thrill of inspiration.

Keeper of Pentacles 84228

Ten of Pentacles
(June 21 to July 22)

It’s time to think long term, Cancer, and you are ready to make a major move for your future! You are being called to put down roots and stay awhile, but where will it be? Make choices for your long-term success and stability, whether that means looking into buying a home, finally launching that business you have been planning forever, or just making decisions that benefit and enhance your sense of stability. 

10 of Pentacles 72d85

Six of Pentacles
(July 23 to Aug. 22)

Celebrate the act of generosity, Leo! When you have an abundance of something—whether it’s time, energy, or money—it feels good to share this wealth with others. Celebrate your talents and skills as valuable resources. Think about what you currently possess in excess and focus on how you can give back to your community. The world becomes a better place when we work together and heal each other.

6 of Pentacles 3962f

Six of Wands Reversed 
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

How do you define success, Virgo? One person’s feeling of victory and accomplishment might not be your own. It’s time for you to reassess and redefine what your life checkpoints of achievement entail rather than trying to measure up to a set of society’s ideals or seeking approval from the outside world. Understanding and committing to your own definition of success will enhance your confidence and self-worth.

6 of Wands c1d44

The Hermit Reversed
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

It’s time to reconnect, Libra. The Zoom fatigue of virtual hangouts is exhausting, and isolation is turning into loneliness. Use your creativity to come up with new ways to connect with the ones you miss most. The secret might be a bit old-fashioned but hear me out: take this opportunity to get back into snail mail! The delight of receiving a hand-written letter is unexpected and sublime.

Hermit 1f8d6

Knight of Wands Reversed
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Be less impulsive, Scorpio, and make a more logical plan of action. If it feels like you’re not accomplishing anything, it’s because you aren’t focusing on any one task long enough to see it through. Instead of flitting from one dream to the next, pick something and stay with it for more than a moment. This commitment to your goals will give you that sense of accomplishment you desire.

Knight of Wands 0063e

(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

If you could be or do anything at all, Sagittarius, what would it be? This is your moment, my darling! Release all of your stale, self-limiting beliefs and lean into your own value. Revisit and revive an old goal of yours, because now is the time to make that happen. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back—you hold the key to making your dreams come true.

Judgement d5afe

The Hierophant
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Take it to the next level, Capricorn. It’s time to further develop your skills and enhance your education. The inspiration you have been searching for can be found when you connect to a community of like-minded individuals. Look out for workshops and classes that allow you to dive deeper into your chosen area of study, and don’t be afraid to reach out to your fellow attendees for further discussions.

Heirophant 32397

Two of Pentacles Reversed
(Jan. 20 To Feb. 18)

Are you feeling the effects of being overloaded with too many responsibilities and obligations? Seek balance, Aquarius! Let’s mitigate the stress that you’re feeling from this jam-packed schedule you have created for yourself. Unfortunately, there is not a clearly defined path to a perfect work-life balance, but you, my friend, need to take time to reprioritize and say no to a few opportunities. 

2 of Pentacles ac635

Four of Pentacles
(Feb. 19 to Mar. 20)

Being fiscally responsible is crucial to living a stable life, but Pisces, do not diminish the importance of being comfortable. You have been holding on to your money so tightly and so afraid to spend anything that it’s starting to affect your quality of life! It’s time to live a little and be unafraid to indulge in some pleasant upgrades—think new bedding or a pair of quality shoes.

4 of Pentacles bf2f8

By Sarah Potter
Featured Deck: Our Tarot by Sarah Shipman

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2021 print edition of BUST Magazine. Subscribe today!

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