Tarotscopes: Your Fall Horoscope, Inspired by the Tarot

by S Potter

Our columnist, Sarah Potter, provides this season’s tarot readings for the signs. 


Ace of Pentacles

(AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22)

Level up, Virgo! A professional opportunity is being presented to you, but will you jump in and take it? Consider the possibilities before fully committing, because this endeavor is going to take a lot of your time and energy. We know success is not guaranteed, nor will it happen overnight, but if there is anyone who isn’t afraid of a little hard work, it’s you! This could be the start of something major.

Ace of Pentacles 662b8


Seven of Pentacles Reversed

(SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22)

What’s going on here, Libra? Your energy is scattered and your focus is nonexistent as you try to tackle everything all at once, starting and stopping a myriad of unfinished tasks and projects. Let’s reel it in, shall we? This fall, it’s all about efficiency, so ask yourself, “What do I really need to get done?” and give those things your attention.

Seven of Pentacles rev 39f91 


Five of Wands

(OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21)

Stop and listen, Scorpio. If you are continually swept up in chaos, it’s hard to see clearly and discern the next steps amongst the constant options around you. Taking moments to reflect can help you when seeking clarity. People might be pulling you in
different directions, with their own needs to be heard and validated, but remember to not get lost amongst others’ expectations.

Five of Wands cbada


Wheel of Fortune Reversed

(NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21)

A blast from the past bubbles up to the surface yet again, Sagittarius. Don’t be surprised to see some familiar faces or old habits reappear as you confront old patterns this season. Ask yourself, do you really need another turn on this ride? Or is it time to choose a new adventure this time around?

 Wheel of Fortune rev a20c9


The Magician

(DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19)

What will you do in this new season, Capricorn? With immense talent and a plethora of natural abilities, anything is possible, even when things feel overwhelming. Remember not to take *gestures vaguely* this all so seriously! When setting goals, keep in mind it doesn’t have to be forever; it could be just what feels good for right now. Let this alternative perspective be your guiding light as you choose your focus.

The Magician 2c556


The Hierophant Reversed

(JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18)

Go your own way, Aquarius! You have always been more comfortable taking the road less traveled, so why have you been doubting your decisions lately? You are the master of your own destiny and only you can define what success feels like coming up. Take the scenic route and enjoy the ride as you create your own rules and continue to defy the expectations of others.

 The Hierophant rev a0570


The Empress

(FEB. 19 TO MARCH 20)

You have planted a seed with a new intention, but now what? Let it all unfold, Pisces, that’s what. It can be challenging to temper excitement with patience, but that’s what this season calls for from you. Before anxiously searching for the bloom, enjoy this moment of the life cycle of this enchanting endeavor. You only get the beginning once, so let’s spend some time savoring this part of the process instead of rushing ahead.

The Empress 9b6e3


The Lovers


Have your values been shifting, Aries? It’s been quite a year of personal transformation for you and, as a result of these experiences, you have taken inventory of what really matters to you. Because of this perspective shift, it’s a good time to check in on your personal relationships and let go of the connections or situations that no longer serve you. Don’t be afraid to let go of things you’ve outgrown.

The Lovers 42c59


Five of Pentacles

(APRIL 20 TO MAY 20)

Shift your perspective, Taurus, and stop the comparison game already! On the outside, it might look like everyone else has it figured out, but rest assured, life isn’t easy for anyone. Don’t allow your mind to create some type of false narrative of who you are. Focusing more on what you do have, and the good in your life, is a surefire cheat code to personal satisfaction.

 Five of Pentacles e728c


Eight of Wands Reversed

(MAY 21 TO JUNE 20)

Slow down, Gemini. Inspiration has struck like wildfire and the potential of how to channel this exhilarating energy is feeling endless, but it’s important to move thoughtfully and purposefully from this point forward. It would be a shame to get distracted and burn out as quickly as you began. Now is the time to gather your bearings and create a solid plan before rushing ahead into the great unknown.

Eight of Wands rev e639e


The Emperor Reversed

(JUNE 21 TO JULY 22)

Loosen up, Cancer. Try as you might, you simply cannot control every aspect of every situation! This might be leaving you feeling frustrated and struggling to grasp hold of something – anything – but try slowing down instead. It can be as easy as closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths to center yourself. Focus on what you actually can control – your own responses to situations – rather than everyone else’s.

 The Emperor rev 225ae


The Knight of Cups

(JULY 23 TO AUG. 22)

Let your heart lead, Leo. Tap into the deep well of your emotions for inspiration as you navigate complicated decision-making and sort out sticky situations that may come your way this season. Your resolutions might not make sense to others, but that’s OK. Don’t feel the need to defend yourself or make excuses to anyone because what matters most is that your choices feel right to you.

Knight of Cups b87a9

Featured Deck: Queer Tarot by Ash + Chess

This article originally appeared in BUST’s Fall 2022  print edition. Subscribe today!

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