So Long, Billy Crystal

by Mary S

Not only have the holidays arrived, but the equally glittery awards-show season lurks just around the corner. Say goodbye to the classic comedian host, though, because word on the street’s (meaning, of course, the internet) that Anne Hathaway and James Franco will be MCing instead. Both are potential 2010 Oscar nominees- James Franco for that movie where he has to cut off his own arm, and Hathaway for Love and Other Drugs, the movie which she promoted on this romance-novel esque Entertainment Weekly cover. (I wanted to paste James Franco’s face over Jake’s, but it seemed like a lot of work.) Last year’s hosts, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin, attracted a record number of viewers, but the academy is going with a hipper, younger set this year. My favorite part of the Oscars is usually the red-carpet pre-show, but I will certainly tune in to see these two banter. 





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