Sarah Palin Counters Tina Fey’s Impression Of Her With A Terrible ’30 Rock’ Impression

by Madeline Raynor

On December 21st, Sarah Palin finally countered Tina Fey’s Saturday Night Live impression of her by doing an impression of Liz Lemon. Palin released a video parody of 30 Rock called 31 Rock, in which she plays “Lynn Melon.” The video premiered on the YouTube channel of the Independent Journal Review, the BuzzFeed of right-wing media. Palin’s Liz Lemon impression is pretty awful. Also, Tina Fey’s famous impression was from 2008, so Palin is very two thousand and late with her comeback. Were they writing this for seven years? Or maybe they wrote it to line up with Tina Fey reprising her role as Sarah Palin on the December 19th episode of Saturday Night Live.

This parody makes me wonder if anyone who made this has actually seen 30 Rock. The dialogue is so bad. Palin makes a good attempt at Liz’s “Ah, nerds!,” but it doesn’t really sound right. Plus, Liz Lemon would never diss Star Wars. She dressed up as Princess Leia for her wedding. Kevin Brown (30 Rock’s Dot Com) is excellent, as always. And I will say, the costumes are on point, because Liz Lemon has worn almost this exact striped shirt and blazer outfit before.

Liz Lemon Runs Out of Office Excited episode 7.4

They do nail Liz’s obsession with unhealthy food (“Where’s my Big Gulp?”). The parody also stars John McCain as the Jack Donaghy character and Lindsey Graham as the Kenneth Parcell character.

This parody is not the worst it could have been. But it’s still not very good. And of course, nothing can match the mastery that is Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin impression.

Image Via YouTube/Independent Journal Review

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