‘Feminist Pigs’ Is Taking A Stand Against ‘Misogynist Hate Porn’

by Devon Preston

I don’t need to be the one to tell you that both the entertainment industry and the media are saturated with women being taken advantage of by men. From television shows like NBC’s Blindspot and Law and Order: SVU, to the real-life scandals surrounding Brock Turner, Bill Cosby, and even Donald Trump—the victimization of women creates both headlines and profits. However, Jill Greenberg, an award-winning photographer and artist, is taking a stand against what she calls “misogynist hate-porn” and plans to give women the representation that they deserve. For the past thirty years, Greenberg has been working on a visual project to expose the toxicity of male dominance; and with your help, her film Feminist Pigs can become a reality.

FEMINIST PIGS from Jill Greenberg on Vimeo.

Back in 1989 when Greenberg graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design, she created a thesis project called “The Female Object,” which documented the damage the male gaze inflicts on women. Since then, Greenberg has published five books, shot covers for Time and Newsweek, and has won American Photo’s “Image of the Year” for two years in a row. Yet she hasn’t forgotten about how our society continues to perpetuate gender roles and that little has changed to resolve this issue. That is why she has decided to make her short film, Feminist Pigs— to not only show women as empowered, defiant and fierce protagonists but to force men put the oppression of women into personal perspective.

Jill Greenberg

Greenberg states that instead of having men turn their attention to these issues because they can affect their loved ones, she wants to use this film as a tool to cause men to see themselves take on a role that has been traditionally occupied by women. In the film, three badass yet relatable female protagonists will form a vigilante-style gang who retaliate against men who have taken advantage of them. The filmmaker explains that instead of imagining the victim as your sister, mother, or daughter, she wants men to “imagine that it’s you.” Greenberg has chosen to base the male characters on real-life people who have used their privilege as men to take advantage of women; and she has selected photographer Terry Richardson, former CEO Roger Ailes, and rapist Brock Turner as inspiration for this piece.

In order for this film to take off, Greenberg is reaching out to the masses through a website called iFundWomen—which is a crowdfunding platform that promotes businesses and projects led by women. She is looking to raise $50,000 by December 15th, 2016 and will compensate those who donate with merchandise, prints, and even the opportunity to beat up anti-feminist troll Milo Yiannopoulos at her Topple the Troll Event (which will be held in NYC this upcoming February). Greenberg has complete confidence in her ability to execute this project in a way that will grab the world’s attention, explaining that she has the experience, artistic vision, and drive to pull off this badass film. So if you are dying to see a fictitious Brock Turner meet his end and women to take control of their own narratives—show your support for Greenberg’s Feminist Pigs and women worldwide who are oppressed by corrupt male power.

Photos via Jill Greenberg

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