More Than Just Thin Mints: Girl Scouts Introduce New Bill for Positive Female Imagery in the Media

by Krista Ciminera

The Girl Scouts of America introduced a bill to Congress today that would establish a national task force to develop guidelines to promote positive images of girls and women in the media.

The bill, called the Healthy Media for Youth Act (H.R. 4925), is part of the Girl Scouts efforts to engage the government around health and well-being issues that affect young girls.  The legislation encompasses media literacy programs, research on the effect of media on young people, and an all-around promotion of healthier media images for youths.

With kids consuming more media than ever before, early initiatives like the ones planned in this bill are a great way to secure a positive attitude towards women in the minds of young girls and boys.  We have our fingers crossed for the Girl Scouts and their new bill!

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