Hyperrealistic Bust of Our Favorite Feminist Space Warrior

by Amy Carlberg

Don’t start chatting her up–she won’t respond. Not because she’s busy hurrying to save the lives of the crew of a doomed space mission, but because she’s made out of silicone.

All Steve Scott’s Behance profile says is, this is a “project of mine to see how closely I could imitate life.” Scott is an artist and illustrator, but also a portrait sculptor, a model/prop maker, creature FX creator and mould maker. The silicone used to make Sigourney come to life is cast into a mould made from an original clay sculpture. 

Scott used extremely fine measurements to pinpoint Ripley’s every feature. The measurements were meticulously taken from photographs using a highly accurate process.

The sculpture is just as Scott describes it, a project, not for use in a movie. The bust and copies have been displayed, but you’d have to go all the way to London to see them. For a day this full figure was on display in Leicester Square, awaiting reactions from passersby.

Scott’s Facebook page documents his process.

This post of disembodied hands remoulded and retooled from an Alien 3 life cast is simply tagged #toomuchinformation1-romance0. Actually, manual dexterity in a man makes me pretty handsy. 

Baby Sigourney! Just borned with no hair. Now that’s creepy.

Clay Ripley! The hollow in the eye is to show where the iris goes.

So why go to such trouble? Just to creep out a few Londoners? According to Scott, the sculpture is meant to be a celebration of the 1986 film Alien and lead character, Ellen Ripley, as well as all the other hardworking people who helped make it the classic we love today. It’s inspiring to see an artist share his love of movies and props, and our love of one of our favourite sci-fi role models.

What are some of your favourite creatures and monsters from horror films gone by? Do you know any other inspirational prop artists? Leave a comment below!

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