5 Ways Hillary Clinton Vanquished Mansplaining At The Debate

by Patty Affriol

Last night’s first presidential debate between Clinton and Trump resembled more of a reality TV show than an intellectual debate. Trump’s misogynistic attacks caused a collective eye-rolling and outraged sighs from every feminist watching.

It’s no surprise, really. Trump is a reality TV star and a sexist pig. He certainly knows how to intimidate women and tries to knock them into their place with his belligerent language.

Clinton, however, is no rookie. She hasn’t endured 40 years of sexism to shrivel at the hands of an unethical businessman.

Here all the 5 times Clinton shut down Trump’s sexist assaults:

1. She didn’t let Donald Trump talk over her — even though he constantly tried.

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By the end of the debate, Trump had interrupted Clinton 51 times!!! That’s 51 times!! Whereas, Clinton had interrupted Trump only 17 times. In most cases, Clinton called out Trump on his blatant bullshit, such as denying he said climate change was a hoax. Trump acted like a needy school boy.

Every woman, especially in professional settings, has been mansplained by men. Clinton made she sure got her word in. She even told moderator Lester Holt to “roll back the clock” after being rudely interrupted.

2. “I wrote a book.”

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Trump claimed that Clinton “had no plan” — attempting to say that she has no trade or tax ideas for the country. Clinton retorted back with the perfect response by stating, “I wrote a book about it. You can pick it up tomorrow at a bookstore, or an airport near you.”

3.She reinforced her qualifications.


Trump tried to criticize Clinton’s “presidential look” by suggesting that she didn’t have enough “stamina” to be president. Excuse me, did you see her at the Congressional hearing? Clinton clearly is not backing down to sexist comments that paint her as weak because she is a woman! She didn’t even need to defend herself. Her experience speaks for herself.

4.”You know what else I prepared for?”

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Trump attempted to paint the very experienced nominee as unprepared. “I’ve been all over the place,” Trump said. “You decided to stay home, and that’s okay.”

Clinton responded, “I think Trump just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And yes I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president, and I think that’s a good thing.” !!!!!

5. In the face of Trump’s shouting, responded calmly — and with a shimmy.

I mean, really. How else can you respond to Trump’s winning temperant comment? Her shimmy shake was absolutely perfect.

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