Doritos Is Making “Lady Doritos” Because Apparently Women Don’t Like To Crunch

by Emalani Artiss

Too polite to make a noise while munching in public, or maybe just too ladylike to scrape away the cheese dust caked on your fingers? Lucky for you Doritos has announced they will be making a chip specifically for women! Less crunch, dust, and fuss for all you dainty ladies out there trying to attract less attention! Plus it will be packaged in a itty-bitty bag to fit perfectly into your handbags! Because who knew crunching was only for the manly?

According to Indra Nooyi, chief exec of PepsiCo, ladies should leave the crunchin’ and dustin’ to the dudes. “Women would love to do the same,” Nooyi told Freakonomics Radio, “but they don’t. They don’t like to crunch too loudly in public. And they don’t lick their fingers generously and they don’t like to pour the little broken pieces and the flavor into their mouth.” My freshly dusted fingers be scratchin’ my head.

Nooyi tried selling the concept for this less-crunchy (a.k.a. stale) snack as more accessible to women: “Women love to carry a snack in their purse. The whole design capability we built in PepsiCo was to allow design to work with innovation. Not just on packaging colors, but to go through the entire cycle, and say, ‘All the way to the product in the pantry, or how it’s being carried around.’” That sounds like the ideal snack, because now when I’m discovering my way out of the kitchen, I won’t get hangry along the way!

This “tired gender stereotype” was quickly shot down, when spokesperson of the Women’s Equality Party responded: “No doubt some male consumers will welcome the chance to have a bigger package. But the idea of shrinking products for women, no doubt for the same price, is as old as the Ad Men making these decisions. Companies that perpetuate these tired gender stereotypes will continue to lose out on the single biggest consumer group: women.” Not to mention that tipping over an empty bag of Doritos to shower yourself in crumbs is not a matter of gender, but etiquette and whether or not you give a damn about licking cheese-dust off your hands in public.

It’s unclear when this gendered-grub will be launched in the states, but according to Telegraph, the Advertising Standard Authority is cracking down on advertising gender stereotypes over in the UK (where they understand that size, and ridding of sexist stereotypes, matter).

But the biggest hope is that once these Dame-Doritos hit stores, they’ll eventually make a Girls Night Out verizon: petite-packaging to fit into a clutch, completely dust-free to avoid textured lipstick application, and perfectly sealed with two chips alone as to not overgorge oneself before a night out on the town.

top photo from flickr

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