Diva from Down Under

by Sophie Johnson

In today’s indie/pop music realm, it seems everyone is trying to out-wit and out-weird. The likes of Lily Allen, Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga have set the standard for sharp lyrics that bite on bubble-gum beats. While unabashedly part of the movement, Kate Miller-Heidke sets herself apart with a strong feminist vibe and a great voice that is reminiscent of Cyndi Lauper and Kate Bush. Her second album, Curiouser, features the zinger tracks (God’s Gift to Women and Are You F**king Kidding Me?), the pop dance-fests (Motoscooter, I Can’t Shake It), and the sentimental ballads (Caught in the Crowd) we’ve come to love from female singer/song-writers.

Her music is edgy (for example Supergirl shops for sex toys), but lacks the trashy, glitter-vomit mentality that so many of her peers have brought to the table.  Think more Kate Nash, less Ke$ha.

Miller-Heidke just finished a stint as the hand-picked opener for Ben Folds (Folds also took the awesome photos you see). Now, she’s hitting the US for a summer tour.


[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_YESKlgiFQ 425×344]



22 San Francisco, CA Café Du Nord

24 Los Angeles, CA  Hotel Cafe
25 San Diego, CA  The Casbah 

27 Calgary, AB (Lilith)

28 Edmonton, AB (Lilith) 

30 Kelowna, BC The Habitat

01 Vancouver, BC (Lilith) 

06 St Louis, MO Old Rock House 

07 Chicago, IL  Schubas 1

1 Vienna, VA  (DC) Jammin Java
13 Cambridge, MA Passim Folk & Cultural Center 

14 New York City – Poisson Rouge
24 Toronto (Lilith)
25 Toronto (Lilith)     




[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRyXuC6Qx4M 425×344]


Click here for more info or visit her Myspace


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