Hillary Clinton Suggests A New Job For Michael Flynn

by Rachel Withers

In case you missed it, Donald Trump’s controversial national security advisor, Michael Flynn, resigned late Monday amid reports he had misrepresented the nature of his December conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Flynn is a controversial figure, not only because he obfuscated details of phonecalls with Russia held while Obama was still in office. He and his son also stoked the flames of #Pizzagate, the insane conspiracy theory positing that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta ran an underground child sex ring in the back of D.C. pizza shop Comet Ping Pong. When an armed man, believing the conspiracy, entered the pizza shop in December (making clear the danger of high-profile figures propagating conspiracies), Michael Flynn Jr. kept at it, tweeting, “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story.”

As reports of Flynn Snr.’s resignation broke, a close Clinton confidante was quick to take a shot at the conspiracy mongers, and Clinton followed suit.

Longtime Clinton friend Philipe Reines was feeling the schadenfreude: “Dear Mike Flynn & Mike Flynn Jr., What goes around COMETS around,” he tweeted, kindly including a link to a Domino’s job listing for the now unemployed Flynn.

In the early hours of Valentine’s Day, Clinton retweeted the pun-tastic jab, along with a more tempered warning regarding the dangers of fake news.

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Add this to the other Clinton gems, “3-0” (following the Court of Appeal upholding the immigration ban, three-nil) and her most popular tweet ever, “Delete your account” (following Trump’s tweet regarding Obama’s endorsement of her).

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It’s not entirely clear how much of Clinton’s Twitter content is her own — she certainly had a huge social media team during the election. But for now, it is immensely satisfying to imagine these tweets are her; almost as satisfying as watching the man who accused you of child sex trafficking resigning in shame.

Top image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore

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