Cat Lovers are more likely to read BUST

by Eileen Milman

According to this info-graphic from, kitty cat fans are more likely to read magazines such as The Nation, Elle Decor, and BUST! This battle of feline vs. canine is a fierce one, and everybody seems to prefer one over the other. Most people you encounter in life usually have a strong opinion on the matter.


Other factoids gathered from from 222, 651 Hunch users:

Cat owners are slightly more likely to be women and skew liberal; are 17% more likely to have completed a graduate degree, 29% more likely to live in the city, 39% more likely to rent their home…and more likely to live in Europe or Oceania (!). 


While most of us do seem to fit the above description of Cat people (except for the part about Oceania!), here at the BUST offices, more of us are inclined to our doggy friends.

We do have some cat ladies here at BUST, though. Callie Watts, BUST Crafty Lady, sings off- key songs to her “lil wanda loosy ma”, and Emily Andrews our Marketing Mama has two cats, Gibson and Louis Vuitton, who from what I hear are always doing some super-great-adorable things with themselves… (stretching out for hugs, chasing their fluffy tails). Her desk is also decorated with pictures of her little cat babies. Creative Director Laurie Henzel has brought in her cocker spaniel Sunny into the office a couple times, and that dog is a sweetie pie, but she also has two cats, Snowball and Slayer. And Editor-in-Chief Debbie Stoller tends to keep a mixed set: 1 dog and 1 cat.

I think no matter what kind of animal it is, people generally love their pets. Pet people are good people in my book! So, what do you think? Are you a cat person? Is BUST a cat person magazine? 


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