This Is The Best Way To Make Sure Your Congressperson Actually Listens To You

by Emma Bredthauer

Image via Etsy/SummerHolidayVintage

Now is a more crucial time than ever to be heard by our representatives in Congress. But people may not know the most effective way to get their attention. Emily Ellsworth, a former Congressional staffer, explains on Twitter why you should be picking up the phone: 

1. Staffers don’t check social media.

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2. Consider good old-fashioned snail mail…

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3. …but it’s better to pick up the phone!

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4. Staffers can’t answer all letters personally, but they have to answer phone calls:

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5. Encourage others to call too:

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6. Consider writing letters and sending emails in addition:

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7. Show up at town hall meetings:

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8. Staffers want to hear your concerns:

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9. Bring staffers into your communities:

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10. The takeaway—make sure to inform your congressperson’s staffers about the issues that affect you!

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If you’re not sure who your Congressperson is, use this search tool to find out. Follow your local community board on social media and/or subscribe via email for news about town hall meetings and public forums. Staying engaged and vocal is essential if we’re going to resist Trump’s plan for America—and the work starts at the community level. It’s not going to be easy, but we can do this.

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