Attention: There Is Now A Misty Copeland Barbie

by Meghan Sara

“I was playing with Barbies until I was thirteen!” Misty Copeland beams as she twirls her way through the YouTube video, uploaded yesterday, announcing a new Barbie doll in her likeness, designed by Linda Kyaw.

Misty Copeland Barbie

The boundary-busting ballerina gives advice for facing your fears (“Just do it!”), not setting limits on your dreams, pursuing your passions, and working hard for your success. Says the Barbie website:

“As the first African American female Principal Dancer with the prestigious American Ballet Theatre, Misty Copeland is an inspirational star, paving the way for future dancers all over the world! Her fire red bodysuit, with sunburst orange tulle cutouts, stretches over her perfectly poised body, while layers of red and orange tulle tease a luxurious red tail. A vibrant tulle headpiece tops off her elaborate look, adding drama and flair. The doll features a brand-new ballerina body, with a face sculpted to Misty’s likeness!”

IDKAY (I Don’t Know About You), but Barbie as a brand is KUH-HILLING it lately. Let’s take a backwards trip through time to the last time we freaked out about Barbie — it was late January, when the company unveiled the Fashionista Barbies in four different body types: curvy, petite, tall, and original — along with a video that made us all collectively howl “IT’S ABOUT TIME!”

And before that, last November, the YouTube commercial for Moschino Barbie debuted. Oh, it seemed like a typical Barbie ad, over-the-top and kitschy but this time, there was something new…

Moschino Barbie via Moschino YouTube
…gasp! — a boy! Playing with Barbies! Like hullo duh, boys play with Barbies, everyone knows this. But it’s so great to see it acknowledged!

Of course, Barbie has been jerking our tears since last October, with their “Imagine the possibilities” ad campaign, showing young girls filling some pretty big shoes as veterinarian, soccer coach, college professor, and tour guide. Rewatch and feel the feels all over again:

It’s really awesome to see such an iconic brand as Barbie stepping up and reaching for diversity more and more. Since many girls — Misty Copeland included — grew up with Barbies, it’s so important for girls to be able to see themselves reflected in their dolls. As Misty Copeland says in her video, “I felt this instant connection with Barbie, she was a way for me to dream.” By embracing diversity and inclusiveness, celebrating our role models, and encouraging little girls to be whoever they want to be, we can only “Imagine the Possibilities.”
Barbie Imagine the Possibilities
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