Style Inspiration: 81-year-old Rita Accessorizes Like No Other

by Intern Kelsie

Some women dread getting older. They dig their spindly fingers into their youth and refuse to let go. This has never been my outlook; I personally can’t wait to be old and awesome. In fact, I spend a large portion of my time contemplating which eccentricities I’ll adopt later in life. Maybe I’ll be that lady who takes her cats for walks on leashes. Maybe I’ll dress entirely in shades of orange. Maybe I’ll decide corn rows would be a good look for me after all. Who knows? Only time will tell.

For my obsession with the octogenarian way of life, there’s nowhere better to turn than Advanced Style, Ari Seth Cohen’s chronicle of the sartorial choices of the young at heart. He features both men and women, focusing on the elegance and individuality of his silver-haired subjects. Today he shared 81-year old Rita with his readers. This stunning woman owns over 70 pairs of sunglasses, most of which have been gifts from fans around the world, she says, and steps out in a different pair every day. 


Rita insists the sunglasses aren’t particularly her style, that she wears them so as not to hurt the feelings of anyone that may have bought her a pair over the years. In this short clip of Rita, though, she seems every bit as sassy as her eyewear.


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“I tell everyone I’m a star when I wear these. They better treat me like one.”

New personal mantra? I think so.


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