Download Some Dignity in a Free App

by Intern Caroline

Modern technology is dope. We’re all in touch with each other in ways previous generations could never imagine. Thanks to Facebook I have access to the daily happenings of literally every human being I have ever encountered.  Right now I could pull out my phone and video chat with my mother who lives across the country from me. That is some Jetson’s level shit right there! Unfortunately, I can also pull out my phone at closing time and text my ex some poorly crafted sick burn or, even worse, desperate plea. Any friend worth their salt knows to stop me from pulling that sort of stunt because it’s NOT COOL. But sometimes I morph into the world’s sneakiest texter, typing without looking and hitting send under the table. How do I do that? It’s beside the point. The point is texting like a psychopath doesn’t look good on anybody. 

 We all have our methods. I used to change people’s names to things like Ugh, Stop, and Don’t Do It For The Love of God Have Some Self-Respect in my contacts list. That works about half the time, and the rest it just makes the text conversation even more depressing to look at. I suppose some people do the adult thing and completely delete the ex from their phone book, but that seems so final! It’s like saying once and for all things will never be good between the two of you and that sucks. 

 Thank goodness for modern technology, my friend and foe.  Apple offers a free application called the Ex-App which stops the user from sending any outgoing calls or texts to whoever is placed on the blocked list. The app also features a timer which lets you know how many days, hours, minutes, and seconds you have been ex-free. How liberating. Sadly, Apple cannot block incoming calls/texts, so a degree of will power is still needed. 

 Until technology gets to the point where we can Eternal Sunshine people out of our memories completely, Ex-App is going to have to do the trick. 

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