Why Won’t the US Build the National Women’s History Museum?

by Katie Oldaker

The answer: because two senators are holding up the vote that would allow it. Yep, you read that right: Senators Tim Coburn (R – OK) and Jim DeMint (R – SC) have placed a hold on the bill (which the House already passed), which would sell a piece of land near the Smithsonian Institution for the purpose of building a National Women’s History Museum. Their action came after the Concerned Women for America wrote DeMint a letter urging him to hold the bill. Back in July, the CEO of Concerned Women for America expressed concerns over the museum, saying that it would “focus on abortion rights without featuring any of the many contributions of the pro-life movement in America.” Because, dontchaknow, any museum devoted to women’s history would focus entirely on abortions, as that is the only thing women are concerned with.


Meryl Streep held a $350-a-plate gala recently—as well as pledging to donate $1 million of her own funds—to raise funds for the museum, and perhaps has the best comment about the situation: “We will get permission, because I can’t imagine those two senators who have put a hold on our museum have the stomach for war with the women of America.”


To learn more about the proposed museum, donate to the cause, or sign the petition urging the Senate to pass the National Women’s History Museum Act, click here.



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