Trailblazing Feminist Elizabeth Chittick passes away

by Team Intern

chittick etcFormer president of the National Woman’s Party Elizabeth Chittick passed away last week. She was 100 years old.

Chittick was a revolutionary of many firsts for women: civilian administrator of the U.S. Naval Air Station in Seattle, Washington and Banana River, Florida, registered representative of the New York Stock Exchange, and revenue collections officer with the Internal Revenue Service. Chittick also became the first woman invited to speak at the House of Representatives in Oklahoma.

She was an advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment and served as president of the NWP from 1975-1989. –Regina

pic: Jo Freeman/1977 The Alice Paul Memorial March, Washington, D.C. Leading the march, L to R: Bella Abzug, Elizabeth Chittick, Hazel Hunkins Hallinan, Midge Costanza.
info, image credits:; additionall info: National Women’s Party;

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