Cynthia Nixon Is Officially Running For Governor Of New York: Link Roundup

by Emalani Artiss

Cynthia Nixon Has Announced Her Candidacy for Governor

Lifelong New Yorker and activist (and Sex and the City actress) Cynthia Nixon has officially announced her candidacy for governor of New York. She will not accepting corporate contributions, and instead her campaign will be powered by the people. Learn more about Nixon’s campaign and support her if you’d like to at ActBlue.


Terry Gilliam Is Anti #MeToo Movement

Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam deems the #MeToo Movement a mob rule, saying that “they are carrying their torches and they are going to burn down Frankenstein’s castle.” Gilliam not only tried diminishing those who spoke out against Weinstein, but backed it up by saying that Hollywood would never change. Oh, and Gilliam also said Matt Damon “got beaten to death” by the movement… so relight your torches and go read the full story at Variety.

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Report Concludes That Abortions Are Safe

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has finally reported abortions as legitimately safe medical procedures. The report, called “The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States,” examines the methods used for abortions, as well as women’s care before and after procedures (because apparently science has to prove a woman’s right to her body). Read the full report at NPR.


Austin Believes Bomb Attacks Are Racially-Driven

Three bombings in three weeks led the community of Austin to believe there is a message behind the attacks, and with a fourth explosion yesterday, there is a greater fear of a serial bomber on the loose. The targets are all black or Latinx, and Austin’s communities fear the attacks are hate crimes. The police have not discovered anything specific, but are taking this motivation seriously into consideration. Read updates at CNN.


Republican Candidate, Who Insulted Emma González, Resigns

Parkland survivor and activist Emma González has become an outspoken leader and serious role model for gun control, and Maine House GOP candidate Leslie Gibson, who dropped out of the race this past Friday, attempted to defeat her via tweet. “There is nothing about this skinhead lesbian that impresses me and there is nothing that she has to say unless you’re a frothing at the mouth moonbat,” stated Gibson’s now-deleted tweet. Well then, I guess we’re moonbats over here. 

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Read the full report at The Washington Post.


John Oliver Loves Mike Pence’s Rabbit

Who is Marlon Bundo, you ask? Well, he’s none other than Mike Pence’s pet rabbit, and John Oliver is a serious fan. Watch the full-troll video and read up on Deadline.


High-Schooler’s Sexual Abuser Walks Free After She Passes Away

When Emilie Morris’s parents were first called into the principal’s office, he told them that their daughter was having an affair with her cross-country coach, Jim Wilder. Years later, even with video evidence, Morris’s case was dropped when she unexpectedly passed away, leaving Wilder to walk free. Read the heartbreaking story on BuzzNews, and learn how Emilie’s mother isn’t giving up the fight for her daughter’s story.


Defy Ventures’ Founder Accused Of Sexual Harassment

Catherine Hoke, founder of Defy Ventures, a non-profit to help formerly incarcerated people have a second chance in the business world, is being accused of sexual harassment. Read the full report at The Daily Beast.


Saudi Crown Prince Says Women Are Equal

Though laws towards women’s rights remain extreme in Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is making serious changes for equality. He told The New York Times that women are “absolutely” equal, and is working to loosen restrictions on women’s required attire, expanding women’s roles in the workforce, and working towards equal pay. Read the full report at The New York Times.


Target’s Underwear Campaign Is A Whole Lotta Real

Undies and real bodies and unretouched photos, oh my! Target’s swimsuit and underwear campaign is not only gorgeous, but damn real. Thank god and thank Target for photographing, loving, and inspiring every type of body! Bullseye! Read more at Allure. resize 4082fround of applause please via giphy


Top photo via YouTube

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