Women’s March on Washington Spreads All Over The World

by Rachel Withers

 The locations of all currently announced “sister marches”

On January 21, hundreds of thousands of women will be marching on Washington and in sister marches across the country to stand up for women’s rights, sending a clear message to the incoming administration that his shit will not be tolerated.

But did you know that women will also be marching in solidarity in cities all over the world?

Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 4.36.22 pmScreenshot from the Women’s March on Washington website; there are 616 “sister marches” and counting, with 55 located outside of the U.S – including 26 in Canada and 15 in Mexico.

From Albania to New Zealand, crowds of various sizes will come out to send a pro-woman, pro-diversity message on the first day of Trump’s presidency. Some of these have a definitively U.S. focus, allowing Americans on holiday or living abroad to add their voices to those of their sisters back home. But many are also about locals— Ecuadorian and Czech and Iraqi women— taking a feminist stand in their own communities.

Lizzy O’Shea is one of the organizers of the Women’s March on Canberra. She says women in Australia were fired up after the U.S. election too. “There was so much energy around, just looking for a cause to funnel that into,” she says. “The Women’s March on Washington really became the broad, uniting cause that people started to rally behind – for something better than what we have now.” Canberra is Australia’s capital and Washington-equivalent. “Canberra revolves around politics and the public service, and it’s important the Women’s March is at the forefront of peoples’ minds here, and we want to use this to push for engagement with local organizations and issues.”

Seeing womankind— a marginalized group so big that it often struggles to organize as a cohesive unit— united across the globe might just be the best thing to come out of this whole mess. Scrolling through the various #WomensMarch hashtags is heartening: you can’t help but feel closer to your fellow woman. We may face different battles and varying levels of oppression, but we all share a bond of sisterhood that is incredibly special; and to hear us decry sexism in unison is immensely powerful.

Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 3.13.44 pm@JMCallahan in Copenhagen, with a sign showing both the American and Danish flags

Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 3.23.55 pmKresta marching for women of color in Sydney

Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 3.39.36 pmRespect my existence or fear my resistance! in France

Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 4.25.58 pmElizabeth in London; people in London are sharing photos of their #MarchingShoes
Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 4.03.14 pmTwitter/@lsarsour


We are women, hear us roar.

And by that I mean:

Nous marcherons contre les incitations à la haine, les attitudes discriminatoires, les messages et actions réactionnaires” – Women’s March on Paris, France

“Nos mantenemos unidos en solidaridad por la protección de nuestros derechos, nuestra seguridad, nuestra salud y nuestras familias – reconociendo que una comunidad diversa y vibrante fortalece y enriquece a nuestra sociedad, nuestros países y nuestro mundo.” – Women’s March Mazatlan, Mexico

Wir stehen alle in Solidarität mit unseren Lebenspartnern und Lebenspartnerinnen sowie Kindern, um uns für unsere Rechte, unsere Sicherheit, unsere Meinungsfreiheit, unsere Familien und unsere Demokratie einzusetzen.”- Women’s March Frankfurt, Germany

You can see the full list of sister marches here.


BUST will be at the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st — join us! Thank you to our bus sponsor, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.

Top image via Women’s March on Washington website/Google maps

Published January 17, 2017

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