Samantha Bee And President Obama Tell The Scariest Horror Story

by Kelly Walters

On Halloween night Samantha Bee and President Obama got spooky discussing the upcoming election. During the interview on her show Full Frontal, Bee asked the president to share a scary story with viewers about what could happen if they don’t vote. Warning: his response was extremely terrifying, and potentially too much for some readers to handle:

“Donald Trump could become president.”

sam bee flashlight

The interview started with Bee and Obama discussing their costumes for the show’s “annual” Halloween presidential interview. Obama said he was dressed as “What happens when young people vote,” while Bee claimed she dressed up as a witch. When the president argued she wasn’t in costume, Bee responded, “I’m a woman on television and I’m over 40, so I’m already in costume.”

The discussion then moved on to the importance of young people voting in this election come November 8. Full Frontal is just the latest late-night appearance for Obama, who has been making the rounds on popular talk shows to urge millennial voters to exercise their right to vote.

“The choices could not be clearer,” Obama said. “And if we want to build on progress on issues like climate change, and gender equality, and making sure that everybody has health care, and making sure that young people have a good education and can afford college, they’ve got to make sure their voices are heard.”

Bee and Obama also discussed challenges Hillary Clinton will face in office as a woman, the qualifications of the two candidates, and his plans once he’s no longer the president.

“After you leave office, have you thought of just whispering in Donald Trump’s ear, ‘you were right, I wasn’t born here,’ just to mess with him?” Bee asked.

“I think it’s fair to say I will be organizing my post-presidency to where I’m not close enough to him to whisper in his ear,” Obama responded.

sam bee w obama

Three more months of Brobama in office really just isn’t enough.

Photos and video via Full Frontal With Samantha Bee Youtube and Instagram

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