13 Moments That Made Us Want To Hang Out With Queen Elizabeth

by Courtney Bissonette

I know I know, the English monarchy is evil and they waste money and they should just do away with it — but all that aside, the Queen is a badass feminist who turns 90 today! In jubilation of her long reign, I give you all the reasons why I want to hang out with her majesty Queen Elizabeth II House of Windsor, mother of corgis, and why you should hop on this Queen-loving tube and ride it all the way to Westminster Abbey!

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As of September 9th 2015, she became the longest reigning monarch of England and the second longest reigning monarch in the world, as well as in the history of monarchs, second only to King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. 


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1.  She took on the job of Queen of England at only 26. She has been serving for 63 years and 7 months, refusing to step down, even at 90. 


2.  At 18 years old, she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War II. Known as Second Subaltern Elizabeth Windsor, the Queen trained as a mechanic and military truck driver. “The Queen remains the only female member of the royal family to have entered the armed forces and is the only living head of state who served in World War II.” according to History.com.

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3.  When the King of Saudi Arabia, a country where women are not allowed to drive, went for a tour of the royal grounds, Queen Elizabeth jumped in the drivers seat. According to an excerpt from Sherard Cowper-Coles’ book “Ever the Diplomat: Confessions of a Foreign Office Mandarin,” the King’s nerves “only increased as the Queen, an Army driver in wartime, accelerated the Land Rover along the narrow Scottish estate roads, talking all the time.”  He asked her to slow down and concentrate on the roads. After the Death of King Abdullah (not related), Elizabeth became the oldest living monarch. Here is she is in her natural state, driving.


4.  QEII is frequently seen driving the range rover, wearing whatever the bloody hell she feels like — including a dope grey hoodie. Queens, they’re just like us!


5.  The Queen has owned over 30 corgis in her lifetime. Jealous?  

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6.  QEII redefines what it means to be a Bond girl. In the 2012 London Olympics, the Queen starred in a clip for the opening ceremony alongside Daniel Craig as James Bond, making her an official Bond Girl, and putting all other Bond girl walks to shame. 

7.  …And she wears the hell out of sequins:

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8.  She serves up some quality looks on that ever expressive face. 


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9.  She isn’t afraid to laugh at herself. 

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10.  In keeping with the times, she is an avid photobomber, accepting and embracing youth culture. 

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11.  She has all the world leaders tend to her. 

tumblr n6r4b1QJsn1r6jme9o1 1280And then there’s Putin.

12.  She has provided the internet with hours of quality memes. 

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13.  Her perfect mix of “the World’s Grandma” and Don’t-Fuck-With-Me attitude is exactly what a Queen should be. 


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Indeed, Queen, Indeed. 

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