#MomentsInTransition Celebrates The Journey Of Trans People And It’s Amazing

by Kaleigh Wright

#MomentsInTransition on Twitter is encouraging transgender people to tweet photos of moments during their transition that made them feel awesome, and it is the most amazing thing you’ll see today.

It all began when Gabrielle Diana, a 17-year-old transgender teen, posted this photo on her Instagram:

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In the caption, she wrote about how hard and long the road ahead looked a few years back, but how now she is filled with happiness when she sees her journey and how far she has come. She posted the photo to Twitter, using the hashtag #MomentsInTransition. After a few hours, there were numerous responses from other members of the community. Each person shared what they felt was an important moment in their personal process to become themselves.

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Haircuts come up time and time again, citing them as defining moments in seeing in the mirror what they felt within.

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As well as being able to wear clothes that make them feel comfortable in their own beautiful, amazing skin.

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Gabrielle told Buzzfeed, “I think it’s important to look back on defining moments in our transitions and really give ourself props, because it’s so important that we recognize our hard work and let it really be noticed.” 

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“It’s our way of saying, these are moments in our transition that defined us even more, and we are gonna wear these moments for our own desire, not to please anyone else.”

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With all the violence and oppression the trans community sees on a daily basis, it is so inspiring to see the huge smiles drawn across the faces of these strong, brave human beings who refuse to let the world keep them from being who they truly are. 

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And no one can say it better than this tweeter:

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Gabriella hopes that this can be a way for trans people to share their journeys with one another and encourage those who are just beginning. 

Images via Twitter

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