The Affordable Care Act Means That Cervical Cancer Is Getting Caught Earlier. Thanks, Obama!

by Erika W. Smith

Now it’s official: Obamacare is good for women.

A new study found that the Affordable Care Act has been linked to a rise in early detection for cervical cancer among young women. According to the New York Times, American Cancer Society researchers found that there has been a substantial increase in women under age 26 who have received a diagnosis of early-stage cervical cancer since the Affordable Care Act went into action in 2010 – no coincidence, as the Affordable Care Act lets children stay on their parents’ health insurance until they’re 26.

“It’s a very remarkable finding, actually,” Dr. Ahmedin Jemal, one of the researchers. “You see the effect of the A.C.A. on the cancer outcomes.”

Thanks Obama

Early diagnosis means that women are more likely to survive and more likely to retain their fertility during treatment. And early diagnosis is much, much more likely when women have health insurance. Doctors recommend that women begin cervical cancer screening at age 21, and the Affordable Care Act is making those screenings more accessible.

“Cervical cancer is a young woman’s disease,” Kevin Ault, a professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center, told USA Today. “Finding this cancer earlier will give women more choices of treatment.”

This isn’t the only case where Obamacare has shown a dramatic change in public health: another study showed that the number of diabetes diagnoses in poor Americans had surged in states with the Affordable Care Act.

Image: Facebook/Barack Obama

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