10 Words We Just Can’t Fucking Spell

by Kaleigh Wright

Here I am, sitting in the BUST office with the sounds of fingers clacking away on keyboards all around. Write. Write. Write. That little red squiggly line appears under a word I just typed. Spell Check. Right. Right. Right. Deadline is approaching, better sign my name. Wright. Wright. Wright.

The English language is driving me insane and I knew I couldn’t be the only one. Just the mention of the topic and words were being shouted across the office. So here is a list of the words the gals at BUST just can’t fucking spell.
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I before E except after C…except all the times that isn’t true…like now.

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As in, I highly recommend you turn spell check on before sending that email because there is only 1 C in this tricky word.

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Why is it necessary to have two letters that make the EXACT SAME SOUND!? Why!?Screen Shot 2016 04 11 at 12.53.01 PM
I cannot separate myself from the attachment of wanting to spell this s-e-p-e-r-a-t-e Screen Shot 2016 04 11 at 12.55.38 PMScreen Shot 2016 04 11 at 12.55.18 PM
My conscience is telling me I’d rather be unconscious than learn the difference between these two words.Screen Shot 2016 04 11 at 12.54.26 PM
I’ve made a deal with myself to never do anything I can’t spell.Screen Shot 2016 04 11 at 12.54.44 PM
As they say, there’s no I in daiquiri. Oh wait, there’s 3 and none of them are necessary.
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Just the thought of spelling this is making me sweat. 
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The existence of this word is just a cruel prank on humanity. 

Alright girl! Now your  you’re all set to get out their there and concur conquer the frustrating whirled world of language (just make sure your autocorrect is turned on).

Images via Merriam-Webster/FunnyMemes

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